
SKU: R042


Calcium Hydroxide for direct pulp capping and intermediate intra-canal dressing.

The special submicron milling of Calcium Hydroxide particles and special surface anti-passivation treatment provides Calci-Jen with extra high biological activity. Fine particle distribution of Calci-Jen paste allows it to penetrate easily even into smallest tubulas of root canals. syrines are provided with disposable tips allowing precise delivery and preventing cross contamination.


-Indirect pulp capping for the pulp protection.

-Direct pulp capping when the pulp is exposed or a pulpotomy is performed.

-Lining of cavities to prevent  contact with the acid media when using cements.

-As temporary and intermediate intra-canal dressing

-Can be used for treatment of Periapical Cysts, Abscesses, Lesions, Root Resorption and Apexifications.