SKU: Z2591
betasil VARIO LIGHT/LIGHT fast set
Wash material, light bodied; ex¬tremely fine flowing material, hydrophilic with optimal thixotropic properties for high pre¬cision, ex¬cellent elastic properties prevent tea¬ring of material during removal of impression from the mouth.
- Colour: pink.
- Working time VARIO LIGHT: Variable up to 2 min.
- Working time LIGHT fast set: 1 min.
- Time in mouth VARIO LIGHT: 2 min.
- Time in mouth LIGHT fast set: 1 min.
- Mint aroma
Impression technique: Optimal for the putty wash technique (2-step) and for double mixing technique (1-step)
REF 82500 2x 50 ml cartridges + 12 mixing tips, yellow
REF 86500 6x 50 ml cartridges + 36 mixing tips, yellow
betasil LIGHT fast set
REF 82510 2x 50 ml cartridges + 12 mixing tips, yellow