«Unicem» zinc-phosphate 3-coloured cement is used for fixing inserts, pinned teeth, plastic, metal, porcelain, cermet crowns and bridge prostheses as well as for filling teeth to be crowned. It is also used as isolating pad when filling with amalgams, silicate and silicophosphate cements.
«Unicem bactericidal» is used in pediatric dentistry for filling milk teeth.
Unicem» material is zinc-phosphate dental cement featuring high mechanical strength and chemical stability. Compressive strength is equal to 90MPa (when fixing, powder to liquid ratio is 1,5:1), 121MPa (when filling, powder to liquid ratio is 2:1). The cement is obtained by mixing powder containing zincoxide and modifying agents with liquid represented by orthophosphoric acid of low activity. Film thickness for filling is no more than 25 mkm.
Powder white zincphosphate -100 g; Liquid - 60 g
Powder gold-yellow zincphosphate -100 g; Liquid - 60 g
Powder light -yellow -100 g; Liquid - 60 g
Powder white zincphosphate -50 g; Liquid - 30 g
Powder gold-yellow - 50 g; Liquid - 30 g
Powder light -yellow - 50 g; Liquid - 30 g
Powder baktericidal with dioxidin - 50 g; Liquid - 30 g
Powder baktericidal with silver- 50 g; Liquid - 30 g